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Our kaupapa relates to the values and principles we wish to foster within the Hawkes Bay Youth Theatre

We ask that you contribute to nurturing these values, so that HaBYT can continue as an integrated and happy community.

Whakaiti - Humility. Striving to lift others up while graciously and quietly receiving praise or encouragement. Abstaining from boasting or dominating the space (‘soaking up the oxygen’).

Whanaungatanga - Fostering the sense of deep and authentic connection, creating a close knit family within the whole. Inclusive of everyone.

Kaitiakitanga - The notion of the long journey, with a clear direction but the need for patience when waiting for results. Preservation and care for the collective future generations.

Manawanui - To be consistent, committed, courageous. Committing to creative exploration with courage, maturity and genuine curiosity.

Kia Hora te Marino

Our class karakia we begin with

Kia hora te marino

Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana

Hei huarahi mā tātou i te rangi nei

Aroha atu

Aroha mai

Tātou i ā tātou katoa

Hui ē!

Tāiki ē!

May peace be widespread

May the seas be like greenstone

A pathway for us all this day

Let us show respect for each other

For one another

Bind us all together!

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